Starting from:


Transition - Orange Smoke

All transitions last between 4 and 8 seconds. Most have default sound effects but you may want to mute these and add your own. To use the file drag and drop it into a blank scene.


You may then want to make some modifications to customise it for your needs. Think about adding your logo or some text e.g. Stay Tuned. Also you can put colour effects or blends over the top of the full scene (see YouTube video for ideas). It is probably best to use the 'Slower Cross Disolve' transition on the scene prior to the transition and on the actual scene.


Once you have made your customisations you may want to make a copy of the scene and store it at the bottom of your show. That way you can easily copy the scene and adjust it for use multiple times.


ONLY AT THIS POINT right click on the scene and set the action to 'Go to Next Scene'. The transition will then happen automatically. If you do this any earlier it will be very difficult to make copies of the transition.